Sunday, June 22, 2008


Paul and I just got back from the Xocai conference in Reno. We left Dane with my parents for the weekend and it was probably one of the hardest weekends of my life. I only cried three times but thought about him ALL the time. Paul and I had a good time and learned a lot of valuable information. We went on a dinner cruise on Lake Tahoe that was absolutely beautiful. That was one of the highlights for me and the other was hearing Robin Sharma speak. He's the author of "The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari" (I think that is the title). He was amazing and very inspirational. The next night we had a formal dinner. Paul looked handsome, even though he hates dressing up.

While it was nice to spend some good time with each other, I was so excited to get home and hold Dane. When my parents picked me up at the airport, Dane was very excited to see me but was mad when i didn't get him out of his carseat right away. I was hoping he would be so happy to see me that he'd just cling to me, but the minute my dad put his arms out to hold him he went right to him. I was crushed! At least he had a good time with my parents though. Thanks mom and dad!

1 comment:

Will said...

Well, good job looking like you were having a good time in the pictures . . . Just kidding and I'm sure Dane is just thrilled to have his parents back.