Thursday, August 13, 2009

coupon clippin

I've heard a lot of people getting into coupons and carrying around those annoying binders, overflowing with coupons and they save a ton on their grocery bill. So, a few weeks ago I decided to join the "coupon clippin crew" a.k.a the "CCC" - so I just made that up and it's pretty lame but i'm tired so give me a break.

Anyway - I've gotten some amazing deals and have been able to start putting food into food storage and cut down on my grocery bill at the same time. I won't document every successful shopping trip but i will mention a few noteworthy ones.

8/13/09 Smiths Marketplace -

6- kellogs rice krispie treat (pk of 8)
1-box of Town House Crackers
4- Fruit snack (6pk)
12- cereal (mini wheats, raisin bran, corn flakes, apple jacks)
6 - pillsbury biscuit pks
3- pillsbury pizza crusts
2- pillsbury breadstick pks
1 - pillsbury french bread loaf
6 - eggo waffles (10pk)
4- colgate toothpaste
8 - keebler cookies (shortbread stripes, choc chip, grasshopper)

Total spent: $27.39
Total saved: $106.74


Kristin said...

Welcome to the crew. If you have not already found it the shopping wizard on is my favorite.

Marni Bown said...

k- you and Emily need to teach me all your stuff. You are both saving all this money. That is so great.

Lindsay said...

What the hell?? You only spent $30 on all that stuff??? Can I go shopping with you. seriously. I want to learn. I really don't want to do it, but man the money you save. Let's get together.

kellie bee said...

jaw drop.

Lisa said...

That is impressive my friend! I wish i had the patience for that!