Saturday, August 1, 2009

people you want to meet

Tonight Paul was doing another one of his facebook quizzes/survey. This one was about the people you want to meet. Conversation as follows:

P: You know, I'm not really sure who I'd want to meet. There aren't a lot of people I can think of.
M: Hmmm. I'm not sure either.
P: Well, I can think of one that I REALLY want to meet. Carl Jung. That guy is amazing.
M: Carl? Who's that? One of your nerdy scientists? Hahaha.
P: (slightly offended) Yeah.
And then he proceeds to give me all of Carl's credentials to justify how 'cool' it would be to meet him.


I love my nerdy husband.

But sericusly, I'm not sure who I want to meet either. I need to contemplate and come back to it.

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