Saturday, September 19, 2009

big boy goes potty

Dane asked to use the potty this morning. After a few minutes I thought he was just messing around so I left the room and let him just hang out. He was on a training one so he could get up whenever he was done playing. After a minute I noticed he kept looking into the toilet. As I walked in, I hit a wall of stench. Just then, I saw the big log Dane had been admiring. He got off the pot, gave a funny face, pointed to the poo and said 'icky". Yep it was but I was so thrilled! He pooped and peed! We called both grandparents to announce the news.

I think it kinda freaked him out though because then about an hour later he told me he had to go poopie. But he didn't want to go use the bathroom. Oh well. But then before bed he asked "Potty, try, one more time." Ok. And he peed this time. My kid rocks. I don't know how much to ask, encourage, etc. I don't want to force it but he seems to be very willing to go experiment.

He turns two in one week. I'd love it if he's potty trained shortly after. Here's to hoping. :)


Kelly said...

NOT FAIR!!!! Lucky lucky you. That is so awesome. Way to go Dane! Hope he keeps it up, then he can teach Logan who will be 3! in January. =)

Will said...

I'm trying to temper my excitement, but i'm still pretty excited for you