Sunday, February 8, 2009

increasing vocabulary

I can't believe how well Dane communicates. His vocabulary seems to grow daily. Here is a list of what he says (or attempts to say).

mamma - mom
dada - dad
bampa - grandpa
bamma - grandma
eye - eye
noooose -nose
ebo - elbow
nono - no (and he shakes his finger while he says it)
sha-uuuuuu - socks/shoes (with the funnest inflection)
dirty - dirty diaper or garbage
poopie - poopie diaper or going to the bathroom
ba - bath
cookie - cracker or cookie
nana - banana
appie - apple
wawa - milk, water, drink
amen - amen, pray
nigh, nigh - nap, bedtime, goodnight
owie - paul's scar
caclat - chocolate
nine - baby einstein dvd
snow - snow
puppie - puppie, dog
dane - dane
ou - outside
yide - ride
yite -light
schwalat - sweet
ball - ball

Sign language that he knows:
thank you

That's all I can think of for now. If I come up with more I'll add them later.


Will said...

That's so great that he understands so much!

Jennifer said...


I can hear his voice inflection in my head right now.

I love that kid.

kellie bee said...

He's doing pretty well, I think that's more than Jared can say on most days! ;)