Sunday, July 27, 2008

food preferences

This week was pretty slow and for the most part same as always. Now that Dane is eating more solid foods, he is also starting to develop more of an opinion about what he likes. He eats most everything you put in front of him. Except this week he decided that he didn't like my homemade green beans and rice. He kept pushing my hands away. Yet somewhere he decided that dog food was tasty to his pallet! I know that won't be the first time he'll eat dog but right now he's too little to chew it and choking is not acceptable. Well - eating dog food in the first place isn't really acceptable!

Poor little Dane has been sick with a cough and runny nose. I'm still not sure whether to take him in to the doctor or let him ride it out. He has also been teething for a few weeks. He broke one of his top front teeth at the begininng of July (on the Montana trip) and then the other one broke through today.

Paul's been busy with chocolate and I've been busy weeding. I'd rather be busy with chocolate.

1 comment:

Will said...

Your last line . . . I was thinking the same thing.