Sunday, January 27, 2008


Dane has some adorable mannerisms that just make our hearts melt when we see them. So we decided to capture them so we can remember. He used to do this cute thing where he's such on his fist and put his other arm behind his head. Unfortunately he grew out of that stage. Below are the latest two things he does.

First - he bites or sucks his lower lip. And this is a great shot too becuase you can see how long his eye lashes are too.
#2 - Dane is always saying his prayers - hands clasped. And when he's really bored he starts to suck on his hands.
And i couldn't resist - I can't stand how peaceful my little angel is when he's asleep. I wish I could capture how sweet he is. this is the best i could do.
I started back into the office on Thursday. Paul is going to stay home with Dane and he is already trying to teach him independence. Here is Dane holding (or trying to) his bottle. Look at how big my boy is! :)

1 comment:

Melissa Esplin said...

SOOOOO CUTE!!!!!!!!! I can't believe I'm missing all of this!!!