Sunday, November 4, 2007

Social Smiles

So they (those dang books) say that babies will start to have social smiles around 6 weeks. This is where they will smile back at you when you smile or speak to them rather than just the random smiles for no reason. Well - i think Dane had his first social smiles today. When he's had his awake time and I've been playing with him, he's given me lots of smiles and even some cooing. However, when I would try to catch it on camera or video he'd go stone cold. Figures!

I was able to get one shot but the flash was too bright.

So I tried to get one without the flash but he would get distracted everytime I put the camera up. I had to get him smiling then hurry and snap the pic - that explains the blurry photos.

1 comment:

Kristin said...

The smiles so make the night feedings worth it :)